It requires 5 ads in the (distant) Number 2 Malayalam daily to match the reach of 1 ad in the Malayala Manorama daily. The Malayala Manorama daily reaches more readers in Kerala than the combined reach of all other dailies in the state. Malayala Manorama bucks the typical national pattern and makes Kerala a one-newspaper state, giving advertisers more bang for the buck.
Print provides the highest reach in Kerala at above 85% in a state where overall media use is higher than the national average.
Dailies provide highest reach in Kerala touching 4 times the national average.
360 Degree integrated media solutions provider for Malayala Manorama clients across the globe.
Kerala's urbanisation and per-capita income translates to one of the highest percentages of product ownership in India, including staple household products like television, fridge, laptop, two wheeler, washing machine and cars.
The most read regional daily in India and No.1 in all the Socio Cultural regions of Kerala.
Keralites demand their daily fix giving Malayala Manorama the most loyal readers among top Indian dailies with a 48% loyality index.
Advertisers get access to a wealth of knowledge accumulated over 132 years resulting in innovative campaigns that hit the spot.